Your access link will have been sent to the email you registered with, with the subject line 'Your access to {Event Name}'
The email sender is Hanson Wade and the email sender address is no-reply@hopin.com
Click the button within the email or direct link copied beneath to enter the platform.
If you cannot find your link please ensure you have checked your inbox, junk , spam or work firewall by searching for either:
Sender: Hanson Wade
Sender address: no-reply@hopin.com
Subject line: 'Your access to {Event Name}'
If you cannot locate your access link email, please contact your event manager or customersupport@hansonwade.com.

If you experience technical difficulties which you are unable to troubleshoot once testing and trialling the options above, please contact your Event Manager directly via email, call, or message through the chat function on the platform.
There is often also a virtual Help Desk available on the digital platform to make your experience as smooth as possible!